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Coletivo feminista muda a paisagem da Índia, Paquistão e Nepal

Criado em 2012 pela artista Shilo Shiv Suleman, o The Fearless usa a arte para abordar questões de gênero pelos muros

Por Luciana Teixeira (colaboradora)
Atualizado em 12 abr 2024, 08h32 - Publicado em 6 jan 2016, 12h34
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    O ano de 2015 foi muito importante para o feminismo. Graças à internet, nunca antes na história deste País o termo foi tão usado e, mais importante do que isso, dialogado – para quem ainda não sabe muito bem o que significa, assiste esse vídeo d’A Gorda e O Gay que é bem explicadinho!

    Mas a gente sabe que a realidade ao redor do mundo não é tão bonita assim. Em alguns lugares as mulheres sofrem menos com o machismo, enquanto em outros…

    Pensando em mudar o panorama em países conservadores, em 2012, a artista Shilo Shiv Suleman criou o coletivo The Fearless, onde mais de 400 artistas espalhados pela Índia, Paquistão e Nepal desvendam histórias de gênero e sexualidade da população local e, junto com essas pessoas, contam elas através dos muros da cidade.

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    I've just spent a life affirming two weeks in Pakistan, and none of this would have been possible without the vision and intuition of @nidamushtaq . In the last two weeks Nida has done everything from co create conceptual universes with me, to gently bandage paintbrushes in cloth, to accompany me to the police station and bazaars. Within moments of knowing each other we exchanged clothes, jewels, and life histories. I've basically fallen in love with a beautiful Pakistani woman, and have found my fearless consort and copilot. Thank you for giving dignity to the project like no one else before. Sundar. Xo

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    Fearless Pakistan ‘Zindagi Ke Khel’ – Lyari, Karachi Lyari is one of Karachi’s oldest fishing villages by the sea. It’s magnificent buildings are jeweled with stories of trading ships from Africa and settlers from across the desert. However, the once treasured Lyari has seen much violence in the recent past. Take a walk around Lyari and you’ll see the painted tags of gangsters of Lyari in between scribbles and drawings by the children of the town, and torture warehouses converted into playgrounds. The Fearless Collective’s mural in Lyari explores the idea that we are both constantly ‘playing with our lives’ and playing the game of life simultaneously. Both realities coexist, especially in Lyari where the streets are strewn with snooker tables, portable merry go rounds, but also stories of violence and fear. The two children of Lyari play cards (a game only played by adults here) on a broken building in a garbage dump raised to glory by the children as a playing field. The images themselves are pictures of people from the communit and affirm – ‘Zindagi ke Khiladi’ or “We are players of the game of life” For more details on the process see : Special thanks to Shilo Shiv Suleman Haya Fatima Iqbal Nida Mushtaq Faryal Chowdhery Urooj Mazhar all the artists from Karachi, School of Leadership, Girls at Dhabas The Second Floor (T2F) and all the participants from Humans of Lyari. If you were there- please tag yourself! #fearlesscollective #fearlesspakistan #thefearlesscollective #humansoyari

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    Beautiful little devis and helping hands! They've made all the patterns in the background. Ahmedabad wall

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    Log kya kahenge

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    Além de contar uma história, a pintura busca colocar mulheres em situações proibidas naqueles locais, como um jogo de cartas, andar de bicicleta ou estudar, por exemplo.

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    Fearless Nepal paint in progress!

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    Frases de empoderamento e amor próprio também fazem parte das intervenções.

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    Pasteups from our workshop at Street art @streetartchennai #fearless #conquertheconcrete #streetartchennai

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    “Eu sou minha própria heroína.”

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    Fearlessly abundant in San Fran

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    “Destemidamente abundante.”

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    San Fran mural spotted at night ! Thank you @Vasudhaa for the photo! @9ingeria @bilalghalib

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